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02 February 2010

Facts, not Fantasy Blog

I just wanted to pop off a quick not about the Facts, not Fantasy series of blogs. There has been a lot of news to report on that front, especially in the field of the so called doctor that started this whole anti-vax pro-disease fiasco. Not only has he been discredited by ethics groups, but the whole article that started this has been retracted. In addition to this bit of good news, the web page itself has gone through some updates, and now the page detailing many of the lies and distortions told by the pro-disease nutters has received a revamp. Of course, with this latest bit of news, I suppose a small update is in order for that as well.

Another topic that I am handling there is the subject of evolution. In particular, countering the outright lies and distortions that creationists will use. It's not bad enough that "intelligent design" has such a strong grip by sounding pseudo-scientific, but outright young earth creationists are out there in droves. It's not bad enough that they are denying hundreds of years worth of reality based science, but they are trying to force that view on everyone else around them, and invent the most atrocious lies and distortions to try to prop up their lies (I suppose lying is okay, as long as you do it in the name of some imaginary sky fairy). As such, I have dedicated several pages to dismantling their poor logic, and even worse understanding of the world around them. Three of these pages were written by specific scientists and other well educated people, and the thing that I found particularly telling about them is that they are set up to debunk pretty much all the same arguments. it's as if these liars haven't come up with anything substantially new since they realized their fairy tales were in danger. If you want to read up on it though, there is Creationists, Read This; Creationist nonsense (from Scientific American); and 25 Arguments Refuted (from Skeptic Magazine as well as Michael Shermer's book Why People Believe Weird Things).

Anyway, trying to drum up traffic for that site as well.

1 comment:

J Curtis said...


Come on over Lunk Bunk Funk with the Junk in your Trunk....

Just waiting on a comment from you on my most recent entry.....
