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27 July 2009


I was just told that a company that I interviewed for is putting together an offer. I should have it at the end of the week. This is one of the top paying folks I have interviewed with, and it's not contingent on them winning a contract and all that, so I am feeling a lot better about this. And with my drive and personality, I think I can do a lot of good at this company, and not be restricted and stymied by being in a government system. I am feeling a lot better now, and things are happy, happy for me!

So, now I get to goof off on the computer a little bit, and tonight I am going to pop that bottle of Dom I got in France back in 1996. Nom nom nom nom!

I did learn a lot during this whole process though! Some things that I never really considered before the whole process, as well as some things that really can't be taught in things like a TAP class. If anyone wants some additional help from someone who has gone through the process (and trust me, I met with some great success), feel free to drop me a line.

Okay, just keeping it short for today. Will still have to do a little typing (much later) over at Facts, not Fantasy anyway.


Wylann said...

Hey Larian.

I just found your blog from a post you made on Pharyngula. The web is a small place eh?

BTW, this is "Wylann the hunter" from the DAOC days. =)


Unknown said...

I recognized your username! Welcome to my little corner of the web. OBVIOUSLY not as popular as that squid dude. ;)

J Curtis said...

Pharyngula? Isnt that the blog of that PZ Myers pussy who practically wet his pants and refused to debate Vox Day on live radio? Is this the same PZ Myers who lost a debate to an incompetent Canadian? Oy vay! You can have that a--hole.

BTW, good luck on the possible job offer Lunkeroo.

Unknown said...

I'd say it's more like: Vox Day is such a fucking nutbag that he didn't even want to dignify him by acknowledging his existence. ;)

J Curtis said...

Myers would have gotten his head handed to him. Think about it. If it would have been so easy for a douchebag like Myers to squash Day, then why didnt he? If got creamed by an incompetent Canadian then what would be the outcome if he took on a member of MENSA who can think well on his feet? No wonder he is still stuck at the junior college level.

J Curtis said...

PZ Myers "Wait -- I complain about the absence of intelligent arguments for God, and Vox Day pops up his little pin head and squeaks about miracles and bleeding statues and liquefying holy relics? Vox, you don't qualify. You're a pathetic little twerp with delusions of grandeur

Vox Day "Typical atheist. He beats his chest and then runs away scared as soon as anyone calls him out. He's obviously afraid that he'll get exposed and then won't be able to play the big bad atheist hero of science anymore. You have to love atheist illogic... just when did I say anything about miracles, statues or relics anyhow? Run away, little professor, run away....

Unknown said...

Debating with creationists and christians is like playing chess with pigeons. They don't understand the game at all, just knock over all the pieces, crap on the board, and then fly back to their flock and proclaim victory.

J Curtis said...

Day isn't an ID guy however he doesnt believe in ND-TENS. Personally, I think ND has problems and recently I've read that TENS has more holes in the theory than I previously believed. All of this does not mean, however that there might be a different model to better explain how life came about than ID, OEC or YEC and yet is distinctly different than ND.

Unknown said...

Oh my Fucking Flying Spaghetti Monster... You called TENS a THEORY? Wow, how fucking clueless can you be. TENS isn't even a bad fucking guess!

Seriously, I am laughing at your ignorance right now.
