Now, for a book of this size, there are perhaps some legitimate criticisms that he doesn't go enough into depth on these subjects. However, he offers you a "Go Deeper" section so that you can get that depth you may need.
Also, there is a very topical 2012 chapter. With the incorrect meme about leap days, and the general batshit crazy nuttery that will come about as more idiots get freaked out the closer the non-event day happens, you may actually save someone heartache if you can direct them to this book, and that chapter.
Guy also does a good job of being much more kind (in the same way Carl Sagan was) as opposed to my rather brash, and in your face style. I think his style is well suited to any audience, to include younger readers.
One thing that I was unaware of is that Guy has an impressive list of books out there. You may want to pick up a few of them when you visit Amazon. I find that when you get to the end of a book on the Kindle, it also directs you to many of these books.
Remember, it's not so much about destroying someone's cherished woo beliefs, but rather saving them the heartache and embarrassment of holding those beliefs when they cause that individual harm.
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