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11 September 2011

September 11th

I remember that I was getting ready to go fly that morning.  I was in maintenance checking out the 781s and saw the news about the first plane (at that time assumed to be an accident).  I actually watched it live as the second plane was deliberately flown into the South Tower.  I told the rest of the crew that we would not be flying that day, and commenced to go into lock-down and was totally absorbed by the news like the rest of America.  I know that all over there will be numerous remembrances, memorials, discussions, etc.  It's sort of arbitrary that the 10th anniversary will cause so much reflection (because of our base 10 mathematical system), but I did see a specific passage that I couldn't agree with more:
Ten years have now passed since many of us first felt the jolt of history—when the second plane crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center. We knew from that moment that things can go terribly wrong in our world—not because life is unfair, or moral progress impossible, but because we have failed, generation after generation, to abolish the delusions of our ignorant ancestors. The worst of these ideas continue to thrive—and are still imparted, in their purest form, to children. 


Anonymous said...

"Science flies you to the moon. Religion flies you into buildings."

That's really the message you got from 9/11? Unbelievable.

Unknown said...

September 11th was a direct failure of humanity to leave behind childish superstitions like religion. Of course it wasn't the only thing I got out of that horrible day, but just imagine what the skyline of New York would look like if we didn't have deluded idiots that think some sort of supernatural sky daddy is telling them to do horrible things that no sane or rational human being would ever contemplate...

Yeah, religion is by far the most destructive element of human invention (right in front of politics I think...).

And I really hate irrational thought, religion just seems to be a protected form of mental illness in this world...