Anyway, here is the list of charities as posted on that site:
Three of the four greatest American philanthropists have been atheist/agnostic:
Bill Gates & Warren Buffett (also two of the world's wealthiest men)
Andrew Carnegie
In alphabetical order
Accion micro-lending
Action Aid
Afghan Children's Fund National Geographic fund to educate Afghan children
Alternative Gifts International
American Civil Liberties Union
American Humanists
American Lung Association
American Red Cross
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Americares Delivering medicines, medical supplies and aid to people in crisis around the world.
Amnesty International
Atheist Centre of India runs 3 charities: disaster relief, women's empowerment, criminal tribes
Atheist Volunteers
Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation working to find a cure for spinal cord injuries. It is ironically satisfying that this goal is very close to that of "healing amputees", yet Christopher Reeve was an atheist.
Coalition to stop the use of child soldiers
Direct Relief International
Doctors Without Borders
Feeding America formerly known as America's Second Harvest
FINCA International
Freedom From Religion Foundation
The Halo Trust Princess Diana apparently supported this land mine charity.
Fred Hollows Foundation preventing blindness
Humane Society US
Humanist Charities same as American Humanists
International Committee of the Red Cross
Kiva person-to-person micro-lending
Lions Club International
Meals On Wheels some local affiliates may be run by churches
Mercy Corps
Orbis saving eyesight worldwide
Oxfam America
Pathfinder International
Partners In Health
Peace Corps U.S. government org
Planned Parenthood
Rotary International
Ryan's Well Foundation Digs wells in Africa
Secular Coalition for America
Secular Student Alliance supports freethinking kids on college campuses
The Smile Train funds surgeries to correct children's cleft palate
SOS Children's Villages
Note: Charity Navigator is a very useful resource to learn about the efficiency and overall rating of various charities.
FWIW, this site may be useful. I typed "non-religious" into their search engine and got three pages of hits. Take the results with a grain of salt however - the American Islamic Congress calls itself "non-religious", and many other charities with obviously religious names turned up.
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