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31 January 2011

Why are YOUR ideas too precious?

So there is this thing going around the intertubes where some muslim will post a koran passage that supposedly proves some scientific principle.  I have been amused that not only do skeptics and atheists totally tear the passage apart, but so do christians!  For instance, take this page (just the first google page I found, no specific reason for choosing it) that claims things like:
1. For example, in the Quran, Allah mentioned about many many scientific issues that no man would know at that era of the Prophet. Among these facts, is the origin of the human infant? In the Quran, it was mentioned the first that is formed after the spermal fluid is the bone. Then the flesh created to cover the bone. When the theory of the scientists for hundreds of years, was that the first that is formed of the infant was the flesh, then the flesh strengthened and became bone. That theory was recently falsified, when the Quran told us about it hundreds of years ago.

So it's known the theory that has been used for hundreds of years that claimed that the first thing that is formed in the human was the bone than flesh... It's a fact that the scientists discovered recently what the Quran told about hundreds of years ago.

How the fetus is developed and how the leech changes to an embryo and goes through the different stages and nourishes. You may refer to the verse in Quran [in Chapter al-Mu'mineen verse 14].

2. The Quran also talks about water barriers, and how it does not mix. Sweet water does not mix with salty water. This was also discovered recently in the seas and oceans.
Hence, Prophet Muhammad told more than 1400 years ago about a barrier between two bodies of flowing water and that they don't mix. When was such information discovered and known to the People?
Such issues prove to those who want the pure truth, that the Quran is a true message from Allah, and not the word of a human or an angel; rather it's the speech of Allah, the creator of the creations. And it's the true book that calls to the true Religion.
Refer to scientific researches about this issue.

3. Another fact, the Prophet himself told about fire (by revelation from angel Gabriel). He said that the last state of fire is dim black when scientific theory was that the fire's last state is red color. Scientists discovered, that fire if heated strongly, it will become dim black, that fact was discovered also recently and had falsified their previous theory, and Prophet Muhammad had told us about that about 1400 years ago in al-Quran.

4. And many issues like this that the Quran told about, which proves certainly that the Quran is a book revealed by Allah onto Prophet Muhammad, and cannot be made by human or angel.

In the year 1910, a chemist known as "Madam Cory" she proved that the atom when bisected, forms energy. This had refuted the Theories that were in effect and used for over 2000 years, by the scientists of that field.

From this, the chemists invented the atomic bomb, and proved that after the explosion of the bomb, they observed that the fire at 5000 Fahrenheit is red, and at 12500 Fahrenheit and above, it turns to white, and at one million Fahrenheit the fire turns to black.

Muhammad the Prophet, that is unlettered, the Arabian, said more than 1400 years ago that: "hellfire was fueled for one thousand years to be red, and one thousand years to become white and one thousand years to become black, and now it's dim black". Who would have knew and confirmed that what the Prophet said was true or even had a meaning among the scientists hundreds of years ago?! Till around the year 1910, the scientists discover and observe what Prophet Muhammad told about, and that it was true.

Now to anyone outside of Islam, you can see it for what it is.  Rationalizations and interpretations, like a horoscope, made to fit your pre-conceived notions of what is true without anything else to draw on.  As I have already said, I have no problem per se with religion, it's the irrational thought that seems to be at the root of religion.  If someone critically examines a foolish belief held by someone else, whether it be islam, christianity, homeopathy, bigfoot, whatever, yet they can't see that they have a silly belief that is exactly the same level of silliness, is it a wonder that reaching them is a Herculean effort?

So, if christians can criticize and debunk muslim claims, why is it  that they have fits when those outside their world-view do the same to them?  Are they so hypocritical that they can't see the exact same behaviour?  Sometimes I wonder how they manage to go through the world without having their heads implode from the sheer weight of their self imposed stupidity about themselves, let alone the rest of the world.